
Articles Posted in DWI Defense


Experienced DWI Defense Attorneys in Raleigh, North Carolina

As a seasoned DUI defense attorney in Raleigh, North Carolina, John Fanney understands the severity of a DWI charge and the potential consequences that come with it. Hiring an experienced DWI attorney is crucial to protect your rights and defend your case if you or a loved one has been…


Take the Fifth

Should I talk to the police? If you are suspected of a crime, the police likely will want to question you. A police officer may try to get you to talk by telling you that it is in your best interest to cooperate and “answer some questions to clear things…


Can I get my DUI charges dismissed?

If you face DWI charges in Raleigh, you’re doing the right thing. Researching criminal defense lawyers and considering your legal options is a good idea. Clearly, the consequences of a conviction for driving while impaired can be a big deal. It’s more than just insurance points or even a license…


Habitual DWI Charges

Ordinarily, driving while impaired in North Carolina is a misdemeanor offense.  There are exceptions to the general rule, especially in instances where a fatality results from the DUI or when there are multiple prior convictions, resulting in an indictment for habitual DWI charges. Habitual driving while impaired is a felony…


DMV Restoration Hearing

Even after a “permanent revocation,” there are instances when administrative relief may be available through a process called a “conditional restoration” or “DMV restoration hearing.” DMV hearings carry consequences, both potentially good and bad. The inability to legally operate a motor vehicle can affect where you live, where you work,…

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