
Articles Posted in Criminal Defense


What is the difference between a fine and restitution in a criminal case?

What is the difference between a fine and restitution in a criminal case? Criminal charges in Wake County NC often involve things like: Costs of Court Fines Community Service Probation Alcohol / Drug Treatment Restitution One of the most important things I do to help people accused of criminal offenses…


Criminal Defense Lawyer Raleigh NC

Going it alone in criminal court is a scary proposition.  It can be tough to understand the long-term consequences of criminal charges, including the possibility of things like probation, court costs, fines, and even jail.  If you need legal representation from an experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer Raleigh NC, we’re here to…


What is discovery in a criminal case?

What is discovery in a criminal case? CLICK IMAGE for more info on when to hire a Raleigh Criminal Defense Lawyer I look for a lot of different things as far as evidence goes to start with. I really like to get kind of the big picture to understand the…


What can I do to help with my criminal charges?

What can I do to help with my criminal charges? CLICK HERE for Free Advice & Info First and foremost, listen to your lawyer – John Fanney Now, I’m not saying that because I have all the answers and I don’t want to hear what you have to say. What…


How do you defend criminal charges?

How do you defend criminal charges? Call NOW for a FREE CONSULT Preparing a strategy, first I like to look at the big picture. I want to understand the facts. I want to understand things from as many perspectives as I can get. That would include my client’s perspective, the…


Are there defenses to criminal charges?

Are there defenses to criminal charges? What are some strategies in criminal cases? Can I defend myself? What can I do to protect myself? How do you prepare a defense in NC Criminal charges? Preparation in key to defending a criminal case in North Carolina.  We take our time to…


What’s the difference between a Felony and a Misdemeanor?

If you’re facing allegations of criminal charges in Wake County, we want you to understand the process, how courts work, and the best-case and worst-case scenarios.  Even with all the information out there online, and maybe because of how overwhelming that can be, we strongly recommend you talk to an experienced…


What Is The Difference Between Civil And Criminal Court?

In North Carolina, what is the difference between civil and criminal court?  What is the difference between Civil Law and Criminal Law? Can I be charged with both? What is Civil Law? Criminal Law? Civil court normally involves disputes about money.  Criminal court focuses on violations of criminal law in…


Can I get out of my guilty plea ?

I pleaded guilty, what are my options ? Is there a way to withdraw my plea ? Can I get out of my guilty plea ? While not impossible, it certainly is difficult to withdraw a plea of guilt – John Fanney  MORE INFO: Aid of Counsel Guilty Plea in…


Do I Need a Lawyer for Larceny

Shoplifting Charges – Wake County:  Do I Need a Lawyer for Larceny? These are charges that can follow you around forever – John Fanney § 14-72.1.  Concealment of merchandise in mercantile establishments. (a)        Whoever, without authority, willfully conceals the goods or merchandise of any store, not theretofore purchased by such…

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